Tuesday, May 09, 2006


three weeks are now behind me and I am saddened to leave Uganda and Nandish behind. The thought of getting back to Finland, comes into mind by force when sitting in the plane and listening to same flamish instructions as so little time ago, when leaving Brussels. Three weeks may be a short time, but I had time to experience lot. Not enough time to write about everything off course… it is difficult to summarize it all. I definitely learned a lot about Indians, somewhat less about other Ugandans. There are plenty of places I would have wanted to see, but in the given time, I could not. I guess there will be plenty to see for the next time too. I would really like to come back to Uganda and stay for longer, maybe even for a year or more. Then again life was particularly easy as I was on holiday and hosted fantastically by Nandish, next time things might not be so easy. I reckon that Africa left an impression on me, but it is difficult to describe. Some of the effect, I believe, comes from being a muzungu, which sets you apart from the masses. In the villages, on the streets, in the clubs, I was something different from the majority. In Finland, I do not stand out, in Africa I did.

This blog will be in ice until I leave to Venice, where hopefully I will have time and something to write about. However, I will be editing my earlier entries to get place names etc things right and I will be adding the photos, which were just too time consuming to upload with N. internet connection and electricity shortage.

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