Thursday, May 04, 2006

Safari 4

Hello Africa! We skipped the morning safari today as Nandish was too tired after yesterday’s driving to be bothered to wake up at 6. While Nandish is sleeping I am writing, as my sleep was interrupted by a porter telling that our guide would be waiting. We should have told him not to come today, as now he is probably very pissed off, I know I would be getting out of bed at 5 for nothing. do Indians believe in bad karma? I can only wonder how “hotel death” can be avoided here, as there is practically nothing to do after breakfast and even the few people who inhabit this hotel will be most likely recovering in their rooms from the morning safaris. maybe planning the trekking trip to the mountains in Uganda will keep me busy.

few hours later and after breakfast N. is sleeping again and I have read more than enough of Mount Elgon (mount shaped like a breast in masai). However, without more up-to-date information on equipment and the tracks it is difficult to plan much more in advance. Anyway, after so many days of planning and travelling for the Mara, I am actually just sitting in my hotel room with nothing to see or do, but to write my travel log. Planning in advance does not always pay off, because just like today it is impossible to predicts everything, like Nandish’s headache. If Mr. N does not get well I will need to arrange a safari ride myself. This brings me to another topic of the safari, which has been nagging me for couple of days. I am somewhat regretting taking the easy way out with the planning as I lost possibilities to affect the places that I see and learned only here that I would not see the whole park (if lonely planet is right, I will actually miss the best bits). In the end it would probably have paid of to call the campsites in the park myself and persuade N. to drive through the park, instead of staying in the left most corner of it for three nights. Well, these kinds of thoughts come to mind when there is nothing to do on an expensive trip…but I am better off to do something about it than staying here and whining…

jambo, jambo, jambo… staff, birds, river, hippoes… time passes on very slowly. Nandish has been in bed for most of the day, and I am starting to get slightly worried. I am also bored and while I am able to picture myself missing even this very moment, I also wish that life would be much more exciting. instead I am stranded in a hotel, which is nearly empty and currently there is no escape. once the rain stopped the day turned out sunny and hot and even the brown river with hippoes and crocodiles seems tempting. I cannot say for sure why I am so restless, it might be because there would be so much to see in Africa and I have so little time, or it might be that I would just need a girl to keep me company…in any case I do envy the marabou who just took of the tree nearby probably to circle the skies of masai mara in search for fresh carcass...

sunset & led zeppelin improve my mood considerably. one day has passed and while it was not the one of the best I had, it was not among the worse either. I could imagine writing a book in these surroundings instead of the travel log. Then again I would need to gather my thoughts into something more than just whining… Stairway to heaven approaches its finale and I guess it is time to go and wake up Mr. N.

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