Tuesday, April 18, 2006

black & white

Sunday was composed of very different halves of a day. First there was Easter service in a small church near the Makerere University and the Bahai temple, then in the evening there was the night club of Speke resort, which was full of black prostitutes and booty shaking to the bollywood beat. On the other hand there was huge contrast between the night and day, but on the other hand you could find the similarities. I’ve never seen such a church service in Finland, with the singing, dancing and praising; people truly celebrating the Easter. While this could be expected from the stuff I have seen from the tv on the African church, one would need to really experience it first hand to get the feeling of joy, even though I only went as far as the church doors. Then there was the Bahai temple, which was calm and beautiful, and I wish I could have meditated truly and stayed longer without having to worry about my mobile phone starting to beeb. had a good long talk with Nandish about life on the temple grounds before we drove back to eat and get ready for the evening.

The speke resort bar (outdoor Rock Garden with a covered dancefloor) was pretty dark with the exception of the illuminated dance floor. immediately after finding the seats we also had company from three girls. I ended up talking with this supposedly 19 year old rhuandan girl, who claimed to have been an university student before having to quit due lack of money. For me the situation was both disturbing and exciting at the same time and I do not find the right words to describe how I felt.

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