Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hurghada Day 3

Egypt 9.4.2008

The risk of traveling alone is that at some point you will get bored. I am not quite sure if this problem is universal or not, but for me there is point where I am too tired to actively find myself some company, for whom I would not feel too pushy to approach. It might have something to with my own social inhibitions, but then again people who attach themselves to strangers do risk of just being annoying and avoided anyway. It does not really help if you happen to be non russian speaker in a hotel where majority of people speak russian and maybe a bit of english too. Following from the same problem comes another one; there is lot to admire as a virile Finnish bloke, but practically nothing that you could do besides “devouring by looking” ;) I could imagine that all the good looking girls will get tired from the attention they get just by walking along the street paved with the Egyptian gigolos. Maybe it is only lone guys that get bored and the girls rather find themselves tired?

So much for the social frustration, the main attraction today was diving or learning how to dive. I am quite happy with my own performance. For some reason the first ten intakes though through the regulator where much heavier than I would have expected and it even crossed my mind that this is it; there will be diving for me, but after a while I managed to shrug of the feeling of not able to get enough air and was quite comfortable under water since then. We did the PADI confined water dives 1 & 2 and started with 3, but where not able to finish as one of the guys in the group had problems in finding the right buoyancy and with the no air, grab your buddy's extra regulator exercise. Hence we run out of the time. Although, part of the problem was that the scuba boats returned and our insructor Juha Nissinen decided to call it a day. It was fun to look at the ship wreck and I could have stayed at the site for longer. Well tomorrow there will be more of diving.

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